10 March 2008

Update on sewing for Festival

The ever lovely and helpful Johanna came over again on the weekend and we got some more sewing done.

The two shirts for Wolfstanus
The shirt for T
The two doublets for T (apart from the frog closures which will hopefully arrive in the next few days!)
Another 3 hoods cut out
Sewing together of two hoods

Still to complete:
The sleeves and hems on my linen chemise (the sleeves have been unpicked - need to fix the shape of them and re-sew)
Sewing together of 3 hoods
Lining for 5 hoods
Frog closures on doublets (x 2 doublets)
Lacing holes on 2 cotehardies for Wolfstanus
Lacing holes on my new cotehardie
Hem on 'old favourite' cotehardie that needs shortening

And I think that is it! Phew! I hope to have all that done by this weekend!

1 comment:

Katrijn said...

Well, got everything done except for the lacing holes on my cotehardie (which I didn't need anyway) and the lacing holes on one of Wolf's cotehardies (which he didn't need either). So will have them finished for the Feast on the 19th!