30 March 2010

It's completed!

I have been meaning to post this here for a while - I finished Gryffen's banner about 1 month ago. It is actually bottle green and white although the photo doesn't show the colour up very well ;-) There is a combination of machine stitching (for some of the seams) but the rest is hand sewn. (The banner wasn't quite finished when I took this.)

18 January 2010

Gryffen's banner has been started

although I am struggling to get motivated I must admit. After a very hectic day at work today the brain just couldn't get switched on so I took the dogs for a walk instead in the beautiful, cool fresh air! Unusual for this time of year so I took advantage of it! The photos don't show it particularly well but the banner is dark green and white, not black and white as it looks. The lion's heads will have more detail sewn on as well. Princess decided to help pull the pins out!

12 January 2010

Not much to see here..........

Haven't really been doing any sewing or planning - too hot! Will try and get motivated again in a few weeks ;-)

Started cutting out a banner for Gryffen on the weekend but I got too hot and couldn't get motivated ;-)